That's what makes him so evil. He draws you in with ideas like 'equality' and 'knowledge' and they work and they help build great societies and people start chipping away at what count as miracles, and then God will get real angry and last time he flooded everything and killed almost everyone and then promised not to kill everyone again like that. So can clearly see, Satan is a gateway to evil.
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Jesus “Bone crushin” Christ don’t take none of that satanic hoopajoop
To be fair, it wouldn't be much of a deception if people blatantly did terrible things in your name.
It's kindof contradictory to the proclaimed nature of Satan.
Tfw you're trying so hard to deceive people into thinking you're good that you end up doing exclusively good things
Except that’s not compatible with the Christian idea that Satan acts openly through things like the LGBT movement and social justice, as well as persecuting Christians by having coffee cups at Starbucks that they don’t like. They’re constantly posting everything from underground child sex dungeons containing several million children and talked about in DC and Hollywood to the little mermaid being black. I’m not positive how Satan works into some of those, but I’m sure there’s something about white genocide and something about fake men or estrogen in there.
If they did, they'd be a Christian, because they're the ones who believe in Satan
But he did create the satanic panic lol