I would guess that most here connect on mobile. Have you tried logging in with the latest version of Jerboa? Maybe try clearing the data from Liftoff and trying again.
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Okay I managed to do the exploit with changing password in my browser, it logged me in after 3rd try. Both apps did not respond after reinstalling.
Sorry I couldn't help. Lemmy.World is having growing pains at the moment. It could be affecting your ability to log in on the app. No idea.
I had a similar issue sadly; was able to log in after verifying my email. My steps were create the account on browser (had to try multiple times) then eventually received the email to validate, validated. Confirm I was able to log in through browser then, after all that was able to log in on both jerboa and liftoff.
Did you register the same account several times?
Yup, prob wasn't smart on my part but it got to a point we're it said it that that account already existed and then 2-3 mins later I got my email.