Back in my day we didn't have no fancy AT keyboard connector, the keyboard was part of the computer and that's how we like it.
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We’re not dead yet.
glances at MX518 on Max Payne mousepad
Radio Shack TRS 80 was my OG.
Ha my days spent retyping hundreds of lines of code from a brick of a book that came with it to end up spitting out errors!
Those damn , and . Got confused a lot.
I had no tape backup or floppy drive so lost everything at power down.
Loads of fun tho !
Din & DE9 gang represent
Thank you for actually calling it DE9!
A DB9 would have been 9 pins in a shell the size of a DB25 port!
DIN and RS232 gang!
what if we go back to a time before there were ports for keyboards. a la atari 800
Proud ex owner of an amiga 500, and amiga 2000...
Blew up quite a few Denise chips, iirc, with parents cables.
The 2000 had 2.5 megabytes, the 500 only 1megabyte, and it was fucking wonderful.
I now have 64gb and I still wonder if it's enough
I'm 40 and my first machine was a commodore sx64. I'm not old lol.
Your old in social media terms. Anyone over 35 is a literal dinosaur. I'm in the same boat.
I’m 8-track tape in my first car old.
Damn you kids and your newfangled RS232 connectors.
I'm off the bottom of the chart.
I am 50 (going on 29) and remember connections other than these in devices like the Commodore 64.
That 5 pin DIN was on the older C64s for the AV port. I had a newer one as well and they switched to an 8 pin variant. C64s also used similar DIN connectors for the power supply and disk drive.
Um Young kid is actually USB-C now and it's a mobile device 😆