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This old.
"Coaxial mouse old" isn't a thing, gramps. I hate to tell you, but the senility's kicking in...
I'm no-keyboard-and-mouse-connector-at-all-because-keyboard-is-built-into-the-computer-and-mice-aren't-a-thing old.
My Apple ][ Plus was like that.
I feel attacked
Apparently some of us are older than even the mouse gang here.
DIN-5 was a dope connector. No bent pins, stuck in there sturdy, you could rotate it until you got it with no guessing, no wimpy cable breaking off.
Still is! I rock many DIN-5 cables in my home studio for MIDI. You’re not joking when you say “you could rotate it until you got it with no guessing”, I have to do that every damn time.
Bottom picture isn't even that old
RS-422 is from 1975
RS-232 was what PCs used and its from 1960.
... :(
I had to put my HDD in park position manually.
I don’t think I’m on the chart. First computer was a RadioShack TRS-80. 4 kb of RAM, but I upgraded to a blazing 8 kb. Yee-haw! No floppy discs: my programs were saved on cassette tape using a cassette recorder connected to the computer. Those were the days.
Member when you edited your ~~himem.sys~~ config.sys and autoexec.bat to play your game?
I'm a musician and I send Midi all over the place pretty regularly. 5 pin DIN connectors are very much still a thing.
This meme is already outdated, we have USB c now.
Older. The C64 was my second computer. Or the third, if I count in the one I built myself, too.
I feel personally offended by naaaaah, jk, I’m just gonna say that the first pc my dad bought was a Commodore 64 and he let me play some games on it 🥰
White and red live on in the audio world, but yellow is definitely in retirement now.
My first system was an Altair 8800.
For input it used physical switches on the front panel.
And until I got expansions for it, it didn't even have any ports on the back.
... Parallel port ...
My age exceeds that of the universe!
ZX81 owner checking in. No mouse and Bearley a keyboard. What did I win
Apparently, I'm dead.
Raise your hand if this looks familiar…
LOAD “*” ,8,1
Trust me people who use multiple monitors LOVE the VGA cable because it's +1 monitor on what usually would be only 1 HDMI slot, maybe 2 if you were lucky.
this meme and the fashion world at large agree that I am a decrepit hag at 30 years old
Vic20 -> C64 -> Atari 2600 -> Amiga 500 -> 286 ... I actually don't even remember but it has a shitton of cores.