great work!
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Reinstalled just to give 5 star
I’m unable to upvote, downvote, or respond to comments. Is this a known issue?
Way to go team!
Is it kosher to give some suggestions here? It would be really nice to have an account switcher option. I have my main account but I’d like to quick every now and again.
The only reason I’m on Lemmy is because of this app. Made creating an account so easy and viewing feeds super simple. Thanks and look forward for the updates.
An open source app with a modern UI that got developed in blazing fast speeds? Sign me up. Keep up the great work folks!
Using Memmy for the first time on this post (too late to get in the beta) and it’s a great experience so far! I love that the markdown options are built-in like Apollo had, the UI is elegant and easy to use, and smooth!
Amazing, thanks for making this happen!
Congratulations, wonderful work.
Memmy is great! Been using it since about 2 weeks now. Really feel at home.
I’ve got the App Store version, loving it !
Great job team
Nice work! have been using Liftoff for a minute but this is a really nice experience.
Where can I post questions and feedback? I ran into a post with a YouTube link but the app won’t display it or allow me to access it.
Can you add the ability to open a link in native web browser? This would help with the above issue
I recommend putting in the bug request and feedback in GitHub so the devs will see it and fix bugs like that. The beauty of open source :)
On the app now! Great first impression and enjoying the experience! Thank you all for the IOS efforts!
Somehow I missed this app. So far it's my favorite.
Started using it yesterday, looks promising so far.. though scrolling seems a bit janky at the moment.
i really dislike how it puts your email across the top banner. mine is long and it covers the filter buttons at the top
I had the same problem, as i signed in using my email address instead of my username. The app has no option to sign out either. You can edit your account, but only the password, not the username.
I uninstalled and reinstalled it, this time using my username instead of email, now fixed.
Go to profile - accounts - change account settings and there should be a delete account button there.
nice workaround, thank you 👍
How does this differ from wefwef? That already feels apollo-ish to me.
Wefwef is a PWA - a web app running from a browser rather than a native app.