As someone who absolutely loves Hokkaido, and most of Japanese history, I absolutely fucking loved the manga. The anime rather bored me once I dove into the manga, but I suppose that's to be expected. Would thoroughly recommend the manga several times over, though!
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It's really encouraged me to learn more. Being from the US, it can make far off places seem too small to be diverse in people/climate/geography. By focusing on specific real life locations in Hokkaido, I was able to get a good idea of the layout of the island, see what the climate was like in different parts, and what groups of people lived where. It feels much bigger and richer to me now.
I read the manga from the start after season 2 of the anime. I didn't feel they skipped too much. I watched the dub and just stuck with it since I wasn't in a rush to see it since I already knew what happened.
I could make a few minor gripes about the end of the story, but I really loved it overall and look forward to seeing what the author does next.
I'd absolutely recommend travelling there if you can. It's fantastic, and honestly...I'd live there if I could.
There is so much I'd love to see in Japan I know I could never do it in one trip. The shrines, castles, islands full of animals, the theme cafes, food stalls, so many landmarks I know from anime/manga/video games, and a billion other things.
Plus it sends like a very introvert compatible place. My impression of actual life there is a little less positive, hearing about work culture, slow economy, racism, how homelessness is handled, etc. I try to keep it from making me think negatively since I have no first hand experience, but I suppose it keeps me from getting the idea it's some type of utopia when they have their issues like anyone else.
Getting too off topic now though, so I'm going to shut up! 🤐
Hina! Hina!
Yeah, the xenophobia can be a bit strong in places, especially for those of a certain descent. The a mixed bag. It's not perfect, but if one makes it work, it's not bad.
I've watched pretty much the whole thing in Crunchyroll. I really like the beginning. It's kind of dragging on and getting boring for me now. But maybe that's just because I ran out of episodes and came back.
I still like and recommend it. I can't wait for the ending.
Yes, there is so much good stuff left, if they're only doing one more season, it should be almost non-stop action. Everyone has some great fights coming up that I can't wait to see adapted. I thought all the characters except one had solid endings to their stories. You should enjoy it if you've stuck with it this far.
It's one of the best ongoing anime currently IMHO, history mixed with action and comedy will always attract me. To top it off theres some jojo vibes as well, the banya scene or the otter meat scene are true masterpieces.
Yes, those scenes are great! I always loved the "wrong photo" moments as well. It also feels more silly because there is no female fan service at all and the author seems to like the reactions to it.
The way the story can snap from super serious to ridiculous and back is so fun.
If you enjoy the snapping between serious and comedy, I'd recommend Gintama if you've not watched it. It does an amazing job of mixing all the major genres
Yes, absolutely. I watched it during Covid and I thought I loved it from the start, but then when I got to the first movie it got even better. I keep it in my Aniyomi library to rewatch a few episodes at a time when I'm burned out in other things. Greatest OP and ED theme songs ever too. So much great music in that show!
It reminds me alot of FMAB with its colorful cast of characters and the setting. Love it.
I would agree with that.
Also, much like how Scar starts off as a villain until we learn more about him, or Bradley turning out bad. I like how in GK there's only 1 person I would say is a bad person overall. The rest do a lot of bad things, and the factions change as the story goes, but ask the main cast gets fleshed out stories showing why they are the way they are and you the up caring about the "bad" guys just as much as the good ones. Even a lot of the murders can be sympathetic characters since it shows a lot of them are afflicted by extreme mental illness.