I think I will be gathering my sanity because next week is super busy with work, then after work stuff for church and family and whatnot. Then... I preach next Sunday.
Reformed Christianity
[email protected] exists to be a place where reformed believers, in a broader understanding of the term, can come together, unified by a clear Gospel witness, to exhort one another, spur one another on intellectually in reformed theology, and discuss doctrine.
Rules (draft)
We probably don't need as many rules as on reddit just yet. But some important ones will carry over.
Rule #1 Deal with Each Other in Love
Rule #2 Keep Content Charitable
Rule #3 Keep Content Clean
Rule #5 Maintain the Integrity of the Gospel and Gospel ethics.
Sounds like a busy week indeed. May the lord bless.
Going for a little day trip tomorrow to help a small church distribute some printed scripture texts and invitations around their city. I've done it a few times with other churches and it's an encouraging time for fellowship, and a nice bit of exercise... Thunderstorms forecast though! 😬 Also, working on a study for 1 Peter in preparation for teaching it later this year.
Praying for good weather, then!
Also - I love 1 Peter. I gotta get my fellow pastors to preach that one some time soon.