Star Realms is pretty good for a quick few rounds during downtime.
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Not only for a quick one, be careful... According to the stats by the app, I played like ... 14000 matches, hm.
Or the fantasy themed version Hero Realms! I slightly prefer this one, but both are great and you can try them for free.
Well damn, there's a Hero Realms app now? Going to download that, thanks!
The Star Realms app is far more well-supported though, with all major expansions and all but the last 2 mini expansions available, while the Hero Realms app is just the base set with no apparent plans to support it further.
Easily my favorite. the game is quick and the game can be insane if the decks are well balanced.
Ascension is my most played by far. It's one of the earliest deckbuilders and the first one (I think) with the river-style market which has been used in many other deckbuilders since. The developers have done a great job exploring various mechanisms in the expansions over the years and most of the content is available in the digital version too. My favorite sets are the ones that use Insight (the amber gems): Dreamscape, Delirium, Deliverance.
Besides the game mechanics the great art, music and the smooth app make it very chill and enjoyable for me.
On recommendation from /r/soloboardgaming, I like both One Deck Dungeon and Through The Ages.
The ODD app is great, makes it easy to experiment with the dice combos. Practicing with it made the physical game more enjoyable too. The app also helped me discover two-handed solo which is a great way to play the game.
The Dominion app. That shit made me learn strategies really quickly
The Dominion app is great. It is also cross buy with the Dominion PC version on Steam, and the price on the Android store is usually a bit lower.
There used to be a pretty minimalist app as well, I think by Fans, that was even better imo. No idea if that still exists, but the CPU knew how to throw hands and the online worked well enough
Though choice! I choose Sagrada just because of how much I like the real game and how well made is the digital version, but Ascension, Mystic Vale, and Through the Ages are close.
Still Carcassonne, but the old version done by the Coding Monkeys:
I fear it’s not sold anymore, and has been replaced by a modern 3D version.
I really like Deep Space D6 for Android (it might be on IOS too). It's a quick and easy game, that I like playing on the phone when there's nothing else to do. The game is very basic without cool graphics, but that's what I like about it.
I agree with your dad. Root is pretty good on mobile.
Coffee Roaster with Ganz Shön Clever and Onirim pulling up behind it.
I just went on a rollercoaster... Never knew there was an app for Coffee Roaster. Went to download it on android. "This app isn't available for your device because it was made for an older version of Android" :(
The Root implementation is good. My personal favorite though is still Twilight Struggle.
It used to be Neuroshima Hex, but the new App has only a fraction of the available armies and deployment of the remaining is really slow.
Then there's still Galaxy Trucker which is very true to the Boardgame with usability upgrades for screen and an actual campaign.
Neuroshima Hex app is crap, but the game is awesome !
I really enjoyed the Galaxy Trucker app! There was no reason for them to add so much extra content to that game, but they did and it's awesome. I should play a round or two again, it's been a while.
For me, it’s a tie between Viticulture and Raiders of the North Sea.
For me it would be Root all the way - especially with the expansions. It's a brilliant adaptation! There's a group of us who always have at least one game on the go it's turned into a bit of an addiction...
Honourable mentions for Yellow & Yangtze and Concordia as well. Also solid apps for great games
Big fan of the Burgle Bros app. It made me realize that was playing the physical game wrong in a few ways.
Runner up is Fury of Dracula. It's the only way I get to play that one, since none of my gaming crew wants to play it with me....
Through the Ages is great but damn, even the easy AI destroys me
How's Terraforming Mars and Spirit Island not mentioned yet?