They make swiss army "knives" that don't have a blade. Some are even allowed on a plane.
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I'm investigating a scraper replacement for my leather man for times where an edged blade is not possible.
I've seen replacement blade blanks that look like they would work well.
I wonder where things like prybars fit into that. At work, knives are discouraged, so I carry a LNW prybar. If I'm being honest it's probably more functional than a knife for the things I do day to day like cutting tape to open a box, or popping tabs or as a flathead to open something. You know, things you really shouldn't be doing with a knife anyways.
It's pricy, but have you considered a Big Idea Design Pocket Tool? There is a flat head screwdriver side that is not sharp at all, but can still work as a pry bar or a scraper in a pinch. If you are ok with it, it also comes with a dull insert that is good enough to open packages. The other side is kind of a camp fork that looks a lot less aggressive. Otherwise, just leave the insert at home. You'll still have a flat head screwdriver and a wrench at least. It's designed to take any old notched utility knife blade.
I started carrying mines regularly in places I can't carry around a pocket knife or a multitool with a blade.