I am in absolute awe of this app, tysm
Memmy - An iOS client for Lemmy
Memmy has a perfect 5.0 rating on the App Store. Well done!
Would love to see few features:
Ability to filter/block a community directly from feed, without having to go to that community.
A keyword filter list that hides post with those words in their title.
Ability to hide posts from feed.
Keep up the great work!
too many line breaks. viewing a thread like this one, everything has a line break between it. too crowded. also, the swipe buttons have a black outline to it. shouldn't it just be a solid color?
I do like the new swipe animations but I find it’s much harder now to swipe from the left edge to go back to the community view, without accidentally activating the voting swipe on whatever comment happens to be where I’m swiping.
Thank you for the non-Test Flight update! Just installed the app today and really love the browsing UI and functionality.
My only issue so far has been with voting on comments, there is seemingly no way to vote on a comment without swiping (context menu has no option, tapping comment score just hides comment), and the swiping seems to upvote/downvote at random with no relation to the strength/size of the swipe. I see that is updated in 0.1 so looking forward to it.
If you are supposed to be able to tap the comment vote score to upvote/downvote like in the webapp, it does not seem to work at the moment. iPhone 14/iOS 16.5.1
There is on latest update
Buttons are added in this update 🎉
btw setting up microsoft appcenter codepush is really quick and you can avoid slow update turn around.
I've been releasing my react native apps for years instantly to beta and alpha in-app update channels. Testflight is slow, the app store is slow, codepush is fast af.
Sent you a DM about this
You have done amazing! Honestly the speed at which you release is phenomenal and pretty intimidating for someone who works in software, it sets a new benchmark in my opinion.
One thing that would be handy is the ability to share to Memmy from other apps via the share sheet
The ability to follow topics via a saved search or similar would also be handy.
Also the ability to bookmark a community but not have it appear in my feed would also be useful
Just feedback, overall this is such a polished app, I’m super impressed
Is there a way to get the community icon to show up in the main page instead of the planet? Can’t wait for the AppStore version to come out!
Love the new icon options! It was something I secretly hoped you’d implement down the road, and I’m amazed you found time to include it so early!
Awesome update notes! Literally refreshing the App Store hourly for this!
Is there currently no way to save an image from a post? Like an add to photos button when viewing a pic?
Or am I just really missing it?
If you open up the image in the viewer, there should be a save button on the lower left.
Weird, it doesn’t absolutely nothing on my app.
I must say, I’m using the TestFlight build and the app is as smooth as ever. Night and day difference from the version of like a week ago.
Thank you for all your hard work I can’t wait to see what you do with the app moving forward
Everything feels so smooth now. Great work!
Thank you! Question about the in-app browser. Many other apps use it and I've always been wondering: does it save cookies and sessions or is it just a minimal thing that just opens the page temporarily with safari, without persitent storage?
Love it 😍
Fantastic launch! Looking forward to following the development
Swipe to dissmiss on pictures have issue now after last update Before it was so smooth and fast
OP doing lord’s work right there
Is there any way to stop having memmy ask me every time I save a photo if I want to keep selected photos or access all photos? Not sure why it’s asking me this to save a photo but there’s no way to back out of the option unless I either click “keep selected and then deselect the photo that I just saved and then click done.
image for reference