
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago (5 children)

What do you mean by can’t complete the sets? How is your workout structured?

Typically you would choose a number of sets, each with a number of reps. Say 3 sets of lunges at 8-12 reps. You choose a weight such that you can complete at least 8, and keep pushing each week until you can do all three sets at 12 reps. Then, add a little weight and start the process over.

If you can’t do bodyweight lunges, that’s okay! You want to progress other exercises until you can manage it, perhaps bodyweight squats, then goblet squats holding 10lbs, then eventually the bar and however much weight you can add to it.

For youtube in general I recommend Jeff Nippard. I don’t know of a resource that’s dedicated only to barbell but the barbell is pretty much the foundation of working out, most things can be setup for it

[–] [email protected] 40 points 1 day ago (7 children)

That misses the question a bit, no? Everything that is wrong to do is a personal choice. It’s not relevant to whether or not it should be done

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

Hey that’s an awesome story, thank you for posting. I’ve found I inherited a lot of bad habits as well, that I never thought about until confronted later in life. Always gotta be willing to make a positive change

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 days ago (3 children)

To be fair I am mad at guns, they are very loud

[–] [email protected] 14 points 2 days ago

And my friend, as an artist selling your work, you could also think about this as an opportunity to connect with another artist and work together. Commission a work for your cover from a small artist, credit them prominently. They will share it with their community, you will share it with yours. Lift others up and be uplifted in turn

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

Oh interesting! Yeah some classic fediverse weirdness lol.

This is the response I was referring to, if that’s at all helpful

But yeah, tough topic in general. It doesn’t help that everyone you meet will confidently proclaim that they know the real truth and everyone else is wrong (much as I am doing now, lol). But ultimately the important thing is finding something that you can happily continue doing for the rest of your life

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago (2 children)

I was planning to write up a longer response but the other one you got is very detailed and accurate. But yeah basically cutting carbs just makes you miserable and makes it harder to exercise. The reason it’s a popular recommendation is because it often causes a very dramatic (but very temporary) drop in water weight. So people torture themselves for a month, lose 20 pounds on the scale, and are forevermore convinced that they have “cracked the code” on weight loss. They rarely mention that they instantly regained all of the weight when they inevitably quit the diet lol

It’s sadly very difficult to find good information because of how much noise and misinformation there is out there. I apologize if this sounds conspiratorial, but even primary care doctors are a pretty poor source of info as they receive no special training in weight loss. Whole situation is just a mess tbh

Something cool to check out is the national weight control registry, which is the largest study of people who have lost significant amounts of weight and kept it off.

We can see that most people who are successful don’t rely on some sketchy elimination diet, but rather build a lifestyle around more simple things. Such as having breakfast every day, prioritizing exercise, and keeping an eye on their weight by weighing regularly

[–] [email protected] 52 points 5 days ago (7 children)

Carbs are not bad for you at all btw. Just something people say a lot without any basis in reality. On the contrary, eliminating carbs is going to make achieving fitness goals prohibitively difficult for 95% of people

[–] [email protected] 8 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Do you think you could fry an egg on Mt. Everest?

[–] [email protected] 24 points 6 days ago

Yeah that is concerning honestly. Three days wasted on nothing but arguing whether or not he is a nazi. Reddit banning twitter links is bigger news than the ICE raid

[–] [email protected] 6 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (5 children)


Do we have some reason to believe that information about these protests (from three days ago, which we are currently discussing and looking at photos of) is being suppressed on lemmy? Or was being suppressed? Would that be evident in checking the mod logs?

Edit: even OP just said in another comment that they “saw an article about it” after all. I guess I just don’t understand the framing of the question

[–] [email protected] 61 points 6 days ago (11 children)

I’m seeing it on lemmy right now


I started seeing cakes appear on people’s usernames, and I realized that it’s been a full year now since the great debacle through which many of us discovered lemmy.

Seeing them all start to pop up at once has made me a bit nostalgic. Memmy was such an exciting and important project during that time, I believe for many people it is the reason they stuck with lemmy in the long term.

So, cheers to the devs, and to anyone who still checks on this community from time to time when memmy crosses their mind.


So, I noticed that a couple of my image uploads made using Voyager now just show a “?” graphic. Looking around this community, I’m seeing a lot of other people’s posts are like that too.

In other apps and via browser, the images are also missing. Is anyone else experiencing this/do we know what’s happening?


I noticed while scrolling All that whenever these posts are displayed, the app lags out significantly, but then returns to normal a few seconds after they’re off screen.

I suspect it’s actually just the top one because it’s a gif. Running latest test test flight version


Behavior started a few updates ago for me. If I go to answer a text or check any other app, when I come back to Memmy the app won’t let me click on posts for 10-20 seconds was experiencing authentication issues yesterday, making it difficult to comment and vote.

These issues were resolved some hours ago when updated to 18.02, but you may still be experiencing issues with your account on third party apps such as memmy.

If so, everything will start working normally if you remove your account from the app and add it again! Possibly just reinstalling will also achieve the same thing, but I haven’t tested that personally.


It feels weird having it there in big bold letters all the time. I sometimes want to show someone a post or talk about lemmy in general, but I’m apprehensive about them learning my account name.


In Apollo, there was this really interesting feature that let you disable the gestures for voting/replying/etc. If you did so, then you could use the entire screen to navigate between posts instead of needing to swipe all the way from the side.

I struggle with a repetitive stress injury and this feature helped me a lot! I managed to grab a screenshot of the exact setting before Apollo shut down. It would be awesome if something similar could be implemented in Memmy


I’ve been sleeping on the same one for a few years but it’s become really lumpy. I don’t mind spending a little money, but are the modern “high tech” pillows really worth it?


I noticed I can save posts from the app but don’t see where to view the posts I’ve saved

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