After 3..e5 play 4. g3 and fianchetto your bishop? Very rare move at master level (<1%) and has close to the same evaluation as 4. Nc3
I almost never face this opening, so cant even remember if I havre a line prepared
Holy hell
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After 3..e5 play 4. g3 and fianchetto your bishop? Very rare move at master level (<1%) and has close to the same evaluation as 4. Nc3
I almost never face this opening, so cant even remember if I havre a line prepared
Thanks -- looks interesting. What would the difference be between that and playing e4 followed by the fiancetto (as is popular?)
Bro idk just play the london, i‘m a 650 elo lichess player btw
"Oi guv, you need a permit for that move innit"
I'm assuming that's the london.
use bongcloud opening to confuse your opponent i swear works every time
Are you kidding ??? What the **** are you talking about-- ah, forget it. I'm lucky to keep my elo higher than my @[email protected] post count.
I dunno, Nc6, then Qa5+, then Nb4? They'll probably take our knight but it stops their attack.
Then I guess we push king and try to check their king with our king.