Is it just the camera angle, or Is that crow huge?
Bring stories and images of your encounters with crows, ravens, and other corvids. Link articles and anecdotes. Note here your literary references. Art welcome.
on the bigger side, and I got surprisingly close to this one when taking the pic
Could be a raven maybe? They aren't very common in Lynn valley any more though. They used to get along with the crows but at some point crows started mobbing them and they moved away.
It's a bit difficult to tell how far behind the bench the corvid is, and there's not much else in the picture to give a sense of scale. The beak looks raven-ish though.
Yeah, I've seen some huge Ravens by Bunsen lake too
Was that in the ioco area? A few years ago I found the ones in that region to be really friendly. I started talking to one and he came right over and made some clicking sounds with me.
Yeah, I think it was. That sounds cool, I love crow bros