I recently came out to my family and found out that they had noticed nearly immediately and just hadn't said anything
Trans Memes
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I know they likely realize something is up....
But until I am ready, we will just keep this current thing going. ;p lol
As you should. Don't come out till you're ready~
The username might've been a hint.
There was a cartoon parody of mid-2000s reality TV called Drawn Together, and if its deliberately-offensive humor has aged well then I'd be shocked. But in one episode the high-fantasy elf guy went on a whole life-risking ordeal to avoid telling his parents he's gay, and when it all finally collapsed and he had to anyway, their response was "Yeah, duh."
Drawn Together has aged quite well in the sense that it isn't really any more offensive now than it was then.
Genuinely impressive that any mid-00s edgelord show would cross the line only where it intended.
This is the way - low-key and slow!
They can't notice anyway,... I'm very light on make up(for true), nails and my curly hairs 🥰🥰,
This meme is an pleasure, not feeling alone right now, ThanKs !! 😘✌️🏳️⚧️