Union rally in Vancouver as port strike continues | Winnipeg Free Press
Who wants to start a labour movement?
All of Lemmy.ca's rules apply
Logo: "Logo of the Confederation of Canadian Unions" by "portpass19" is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
What are their demands (more or less exactly)?
It's always easier to defend those workers when we know their demands are reasonable (which most of the time, they are.)
From their strike notice:
Our Main Objectives are:
- To stop the erosion of our work through Contracting Out
- To protect current and future generations from the devastating impacts of Port Automation
- To protect longshore workers from record High Inflation and sky rocketing Cost of Living
Still a bit vague, but I hope it's more useful when negotiating.
If you say we want XX% raise it focuses the discussion too much on numbers and sometimes doesn't address the true source of the problems