I use my Switch 99.9% of the time undocked, and would love an OLED Switch Lite 2. That, and hall sensing sticks.
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Backwards compatibility
please have a headphone jack. idk if this is something we need to actually worry about...but i really dislike that newer phones keep omitting the headphone jack. bluetooth just isn't the same!
HDR and/or 3D display
It would be cool for the 3D display tech to get an improved implementation on the Switch, but whether it's worth it will depend on how much cost it adds to the system and how much it lowers the resolution. I did enjoy its use on the 3DS, but I often play the Switch in docked mode and I'm not sure I'd like to pay extra for its inclusion on the Switch 2.
I always thought having some sort of eGPU in the dock would be nice. Enough to let it run games at higher resolution and frame rates on a large screen.
No idea how feasible that would actually be though.
GameCube games! Can I get melee with online support please.
I'd like the sensor bar too. Rail shooters just do not feel the same trying it with gyro, since the positioning is off relative to the screen without a reference point. Sensor bar made it more like using those arcade light guns.
I have multiple..
- Like many others, backwards compatibility
- and while we're at it. Make games upgradable like PS4 to PS5
- System level voice chat. Not depending on the game or smartphone app
- better friend system
- Focus on 1080p 60fps performance, games less than that are simply not allowed. When possible a ingame toggle to quality mode that gives 4K 30fps at minimum.
- cloud save backup on ALL games.
- controller with audio through aux or usb-c
- try less to be different, try more to be better
- actual functioning invite to game option for friends
This is all I can think of right now.
I honestly do not need a different new system. I just want something better than the current Switch in terms of performance.
The ability to use another console as a controller for game menus and asymmetrical gameplay.
I just miss the 3DS.
I'd like it to be modern. Up to date specs that can have games that look good, rather than releasing dated hardware at launch.
I'd like a console only version without a screen, like how the PSVita had the Vita TV. I have no interest in a portable Nintendo, I only play docked.
The ability to play old games on it. Switch games at the very least, but similar to wanting a console only version, add a disc tray and let me play GCN and Wii.
The unfortunate thing for your desires is that portability is the reason the Switch has been so successful, and is also the reason it doesn't have "modern" specs. I'm sure the next system will be much more powerful, but I'm also sure it won't even be near the power of the PS5 or XSX because I am 100% sure it will still be a console that can be played on the go.
Thankfully as home consoles have much more transparently become purpose-built PCs using variations on off the shelf hardware, ratcheting down graphics to function on a lower power system isn't nearly as hard as it used to be.
It sounds like you basically just don't want a switch. The reason the switch has done so well is because of the portability and ability to easily dock and "switch" between modes. If you want a traditional console, that has a disk tray, and tons of power, you should consider a playstation or xbox. Additionally I am very supportive of backwards compatibility but at this point, the GCN would be 4 generations (going to be 25 years on switch 2 release) back and having to put in hardware to be backwards compatible that far back I think is unreasonable.
Pretty much, I don't want a Switch. But I'm required to have one to play Nintendo games legally. Considering how little I play my Switch I think I'm just going to wait and see how emulation for Switch 2 goes.
Well that's part of their value prop, their games. Clearly it's working as it got you to purchase a switch when you don't really like the concept.
Yeah but it's solidified that I won't be doing it again. Switch emulation is brilliant, with another underpowered Switch console I don't doubt emulation will be easy.
I want an easily-exploited OS for CFW.
I don't think we'll ever have anything like the switch V1, it's not just very easy but also has crazy possibilities, I use Android on mine all the time, and it works perfectly like it isn't even a hack, even seamlessly booting from one to another system, Nintendo will probably be a lot more careful next time, we'll probably have cfw in the next one but I think it's gonna take a long time and won't be nowhere good as switch is
…On the bottom. One on the top that can work in tandem with some sort of sensor bar would have to be squeezed in above the R and ZR buttons.
I’d love for the Dock itself to be way shorter, and not go up the entire height of the console. AKA I’m tired of my Switch screen getting scratched every damn time it goes in or out of the dock.
But the right joy-con already has a IR-Camera.
…On the bottom. One on the top that can work in tandem with some sort of sensor bar would have to be squeezed in above the R and ZR buttons.