upvote for the cans ,of course :3
r/unixsocks on fediverse
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Unixporn + socks
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Upvote your comment for the :3 of course :3
Trans cans <3
omg the trans cans :D
the monster energy transgener package
now with 200% more estradiol
I wish it had estradiol in it but my chest haven't changed yet so I assume it wasn't the case (ب_ب)
sue the monster energy prime minister of flavor
I only see a monitor. Where's the computer?
Looks like the cans of monster are stacked on it
You're right. I hope they're empty
🤘🤘 Bonjour 😘😊
J'étais sûre que au moins une personne allait remarquer le loadkeys fr 😊
Jai vu ca comme un "honeypot" pour les MTF fr XD,
En tout cas Nice pic, :)
Ah mais cette commu c'est vraiment ça x)
Ah ah je retiens alors pour faire de meme. Less go spot pour fellas x)
c'est marrant ton pseudo me dit un truc, t'a pas été présent(e) sur twitter toi ?
you talked em right down from €25 eh you master negotiator
I didn't had to negotiate ! I just saw the price and immediately bought one and iirc it was 20€ with 4Gb of ram and 24€ with 8
nice! only two cpu cores tho:<
Sadly yes, how do you know that ?
penguins in installion
Oooh that's useful
yeah, do you know Mental Outlaw? they are a content creator that mostly covers FOSS stuff they made on guide on gentoo too :3c
Yeeeeah but he has some controversial opinions so I don't watch his videos often
oh okay... i totally understand. can i know what opinions? :3
He is like almost into conspiracy theories by repeating "white Jew liberals" and don't look very safe by attacking "woke culture"
This is a video he has deleted https://linuxreviews.org/File:Mental_Outlaw_-_Politically_Correct_Tech.webm
oh :( i absolutely didnt know that, is that URL safe?
Tbh I don't know
oh okay still thanks,
i have seen a video of gentoo gentoo installion
Omg trans monster cans :) I love it
trop cute en fait <3<3<3
Awesome and cuteness. Yay
Nice setup, I hope those cans are empty though, I wouldn't feel comfortable putting them on the computer like that if they're full, even if it is only 20€ (I don't know how much that is American exactly, tempted to say around $30, but not sure)
They're empty ofc ^^ And I think you're right it must be around $30
Potable le clavier Listo ? Courage pour Gentoo et jolies jambes btw :3
Non absolument pas, mais j'ai continué l'installation en ssh sur mon thinkpad. Et merci ^^
Back to the basics. Et merci pour le retour, je vais garder mon clavier moisi dans ce cas. Aussi, pas mal un thinkpad pour 25 balles. Next challenge: no mouse, only red clit-mouse 360 no scope :) Godspeed, prends soin de toi.