Out of curiosity, what teams are you all currently running for general use? So not for superbosses, etc, but what do you have set up for running around maps, or running keys?
And on that note, which dungeons are you currently throwing your keys at?
My red keys are currently going to Sapient Complex (until the next red key dungeon arrives, at least), since I need books to burn so I can keep making TVCs for people. That party's probably a lot like a lot of parties out there. AS Hardy, AS Tsubame, Flamme, Curio, and in the back I have Strawboy and a random knight to level because why not.
For green keys, I just moved across to Omegapolis, having finally finished Azami's light, and I've had a go at building a party around AS Cerrine for this one. So she's joined by AS Biaka, AS Tsubame, Parallel Hismena, Ashtear and Claude (ES, but doesn't really matter, he's mostly there for his light).
Most of the time I use my red key party for running around the world, and I have a specific party of cute and cat-like people for white keys as well.