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Bagel Etc, Leonard Cohen's favourite spot (right in front of his place too).
Honestly? McDonalds... they're quick!
Bahaha the mccrepe does hold a special place in my heart (probably literally with all that cholesterol oof). But when you're not looking for a quick meal, like when you're in the mood for a sit-down breakfast or even brunch, where would you head?
I moved to Ottawa several years ago and am only back for weekend visits. I honestly can't recall where I used to go for breakfast, sorry!
Dame Tartine sur Ontario. <3
Péché Matinal in Longueuil is my go-to. There's always a line up, so plan accordingly!
Their "Poutine Déj" is excellent, and served in a cast iron skillet so it stays warm the whole meal.
It's slightly off the island unfortunately, but you can easily get there by metroing to the Longueuil - Université de Sherbrooke station and walking there.
Eggspectation on De Maisonneuve would be my second go-to.
Greasy diner breakfast: cosmos in NDG and green spot
Spanel Crêpes et gourmets. Little Burgundy
Arthur's on Notre Dame. Their cottage cheese pancakes kick serious ass.