Despite the major problems with modern society I think we're still living in the best age in human history so far.
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Are ya ready kids?!
The problem with democracy is, too many people are allowed to attend.
For the most part I do enjoy my job and have spent time with my manager outside of work just because we enjoy each other's company.
Not only was Deckard a replicant, he was a replicant uploaded with memories of Gaff, the character played by Edward James Olmos.
Gaff was an injured in the leg when responding to the original break-in at the Tyrell Corporation. One replicant got fried going through an electric fence, but a mistake in the script miscounted and there is one extra unexplained replicant that is never mentioned.
It is my firm belief that that captured replicant was programmed with Gaffs memories and tasked with finishing Gaffs mission, while Gaff himself had to act as a chaperone. And he's pretty pissed off about it because everyone seems to think this replicant can "do a man's work", as he says at the end of the film.
People should not be ostracized or even punished for liking fictional stuff. Yes, i am talking about Lolicon/Shotacon.
Mathematics is a specialised branch of philosophy - and there is (probably) more than one valid kind.
I think maths is pure logic, an abstraction of basic truths. Like if you put two things in a bag, and put three more things in there, there are now five things in the bag. I don't think there are other valid answers. Can you explain what about it makes you think it's a form of philosophy?
Almost nobody knows what Zionism is. The idf /= Zionism. All it takes is looking at the first result for when you search for "what is Zionism"
Spaghetti sucks, no matter who makes it. it's like adult baby food, but worse than actual baby food.
Follow up: burritos suck too
I disagree with your opinion but I will fight to the death to defend your right to express it
TES4: Oblivion fucking sucks. It's the worst title in recent Elder Scrolls history. Clunky, waxy, ugly, awkward, and looks like an early prototype of Shrek 1. There's always a clash between Morrowind vs. Skyrim, but I tell you... It's Oblivion that sucks the fat dick between the two.