The comment reads a lot like zorin has worked fine with updates for 10 years.
Thanks for the link! I couldn't get ibus-uniemoji
to work properly, so I'll probably have to settle for this.
You think someone would do something like that? Just go on the internet and lie to everybody?
This is definitely a good contender. I do already use 2 different keyboard layouts regularly, so I think it might get annoying when I'm trying to switch between those two. I'll give it a go though, thank you!
hmm, might be worth my while to put my most used emojis into that config file.. thanks for the input!
Wow, das ist das erste mal, dass ich von dieser Ansichtsweise bezüglich des Toleranzparadoxons höre. Danke.
Nein, müssen wir nicht.
Trauma is not weird.
and your english is perfect, dude. no worries. the only suggestion I have for you in that regard is to watch out for run on sentences :)
I suppose you mean Hetzner, but yeah, that makes sense. Thanks
I'm on desktop (using, live in germany, and images still only take a maximum of half a second to load. That's perfectly usable to me.
Do we know where the servers are?
Maybe im misunderstanding something but how is turning on the AUR supposed to prevent the grub file from being updated?