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The original was posted on /r/hometheater by /u/wildfire on 2024-01-21 14:25:22+00:00.
Hey folks, been lurking for a little while and finally ready to dive in to this world! Planning a 5.1.2 setup in my living room, but I’m having some trouble deciding on which sub to go for and which brand of speakers.
For context, my living room is about 12 x 15 with 8 foot ceilings, but it is quite open to the dining room, hallway and kitchen. The room has a pretty modern looking white theme, so aesthetics / WAF are fairly important. Budget is about CAD $5k max, but would love to spend a bit less. Use case is about 80% movies, 20% music, although I’m expecting to play more music once we graduate past TV speakers (I know, I know - just moved into this house!). Planning to pair with a Denon avr-x1700h or avr-x1800h, depending on availability/sales.
For sub, I’m pretty sold on SVS. I love the look of the white SB-1000, but I’m worried it won’t be enough to fill the room of this size appropriately. The PB-1000 seems like it’d be a better fit, but only comes in the ash black finish :/. Would an SB-2000 fill this size room maybe? That at least comes in the black finish which could work.
For speakers I’m debating between two options.
On the one hand there’s the SVS Prime bookshelves, center, satellite, and elevations. Frustratingly the bookshelves and center don’t come in the white finish…but could consider the black or a mix of white and black.
On the other side I love the look of the white KEF Q series Q350 bookshelves, Q650c center, Q150 surrounds, and Q50a elevation. This option seems to be also about CAD $1000 less than the SVS.
Would the SVS subs match the KEF acoustically? Are the SVS speakers $1000 better than the KEF? Thanks in advance for the help! 🙏