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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/Cute-as-duck-888 on 2024-01-23 05:54:51+00:00.
AITA? Throw away account for obvious reasons. I was MoH for a July 2024 wedding. I told the Bride, I can’t be in the wedding and haven’t provided any more details. My announcement resulted in over a dozen other guests that I know, thanking me for starting the drop out, because they weren’t going or planning on being in it. Now they don’t feel as guilty.
I was asked to be MoH and I was happy at first. I wasn’t very close to the bride but I liked her. We had a lot in common, or so I thought.
I went to the first engagement party and the people looked so uncomfortable and unwelcoming. No one looked genuinely happy. They all looked nervous! There were people missing from both the bridal party and groomsmen.
The bachelorette party was scary too. Again, no one seemed thrilled to be there. Some women in the bridal party were late or no shows.
The bride and groom are locked in a toxic relationship. The bride cheats on the groom without any remorse and she wonders why he’s depressed.
The Bride and Groom have had all sorts of different therapists for various reasons. All sessions point to incompatibility.
The groom won’t tell the bride that his secrets that he shared with groomsmen. The biggest reason they should absolutely not go through with this. Now, he has openly developed a serious drinking and drug problem.
I can’t support this. I really can’t support any of this. They want to know why I made this decision. Others have lied stating it’s financial or they’re on vacation on their wedding date. AITA for not explaining why I left? The bride is a very emotional woman.