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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/yuhyuhyyueah on 2024-01-23 07:28:07+00:00.
My friend came out to us and started dating a guy april last year, the guy started hitting on him while dating another guy and broke up with this guy for my friend, getting with him a week later which our friend group found very weird, he also does a lot of abusive things imo (spam texts and calls my friend, forbids him of doing things, acts like his dad yelling at him for dumb things like forgetting his keys and hold over his head the fact that hes the one paying for things instead of my friend, even though he offers to pay for everything) and i just find his pushy behavior overwhelming, but whatever since im not the one dating him. We stopped hanging out as often but whenever we do, he always brings him around, he used to ask if he could but now just does it which is very annoying, i also get annoyed that he just invites himself to our things but has never invited us to anything (including birthdays) so that adds to it but me and our other friends dont say anything because we dont want any drama, i know its kinda wrong for me not to say it makes me uncomfortable, but i know he would just get mad and last time i did say i didnt like a friends boyfriend who was also abusive she just ended the friendship, i dont have a large friend group so would just rather avoid the confrontation. Fast forward to now and my birthday is in a month, im planning it and very excited since i haven’t had a party since i was 12 (im turning 24), im only inviting a few friends that i actually keep contact with and also letting my sister invite a few friends so she can hang out. AITA if i dont want him to come, and if when its time to send invitations and he asks to come i say no?