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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/Educational-Meal-419 on 2024-01-23 21:15:13+00:00.
I, 25F, am an only child, adopted at birth by my two parents. My parents always believed in teaching me the value of hard work, and they truly worked for what they have, their own earnings and investments along with inheritance from their parents has to set them at a net work of around 7 million or maybe more. As their financial situation improved as I grew up, I became accustomed to a nice lifestyle. They live in a very nice but reasonably sized home and I went to great schools, college paid off, new car, etc. I am very grateful for these opportunities. I work full time as a teacher, and my dad always told me as long as I was contributing to the world in a positive way I wouldn’t have to worry about money. I think when I graduated my dad was kinda stuck in his ways from back in the day when people got out of college and immediately got good jobs. I work hard at my job, but I’m no executive, and in education there isn’t really a ladder to climb. I know I chose a career that doesn’t offer a lot of money, but I suppose I thought that was fine given my dad’s promise and the simple fact that I’ve never experienced what it’s like to struggle for money and didn’t realize how stressful it can be, plus I do love teaching. Well, something changed. My dad has become a bit hardened as he’s gotten older and really has a grudge against the younger generation. I think I he thinks I’m lazy. I know I work hard, but my dad doesn’t get that just working hard isn’t enough to cover basic needs anymore. I honestly live in a shithole apartment, work constantly grading and planning and burning myself out, and I don’t make it to the end of the month. I have credit card debt so out of control I can’t pay even the minimum on, some bills go unpaid sometimes, and I cry at least once a week about money. Sometimes I get my nails done and silly little things but I don’t buy anything outrageous, nothing designer, I don’t own a car anymore and I take public transit, etc. I know it’s privileged but learning what it’s like to stress over money coupled with my huge downgrade in lifestyle is really affecting me. I have a great relationship with my parents outside of this, and I love them so much and I know they love me, but their lack of direct support or even just buying me something really nice for my birthday makes me resent them a bit. AITA for expecting more from them, or do I just need to buck up and and be grateful for what they have given me to get me started in life?