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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/Every_Classroom_446 on 2024-01-23 14:18:26+00:00.
I have an allergy to peanuts, when I was a lot younger my parents basically put me through exposure training to help it. It sucked a lot but now my reaction to my allergy is extremely mild now. I basically will get a rash around my lips and that is it. So now it isn’t a big deal if I accidentally eat something and the chances of me having a major reaction are so low that it might as well be when pigs fly.
We have a new friend to our friend group I’ll call her Laura. I told her I can not have peanuts and she told me about the time she saw an allergic reaction and how terrifying it was. I thought that was the end of it, but every single time I have been out with Laura she has brought up my allergy. Telling me if I am sure I can eat that. Vetoing places to eat since they serve peanuts. I have talked to her before, it has caused tension in the group and me explaining over and over again that my reaction is very mild and I can eat places just fine.
Ever single time she acts like she knows my allergy better and that if I keep eating it on accident it will get worse. I’ve explained a million times that isn’t always the case and I literally did the opposite in peanut exposures. Nothing has gotten through to her. Everyone’s allergies are different.
I was hanging out with the group and we wanted burgers and suggested 5 guys. The store has peanuts in it. Laura blew up telling my other firmed they are horrible for trying to get me to have an allergic reaction.
I had enough and told her to stop micromanaging my allergy, that she needs to stop pushing her trauma on me. That I am going to 5 guys and the group left without her.
Some on my friends thing she is crazy while others think I am being an asshole because she seems to care about me