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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/genderfluid3 on 2024-01-23 17:35:14+00:00.
I (F20) am getting married to my (M20) fiancé in a few days at the court house we will have a wedding once we have enough money saved the reason we are getting married before our wedding is because his grandma who he lives with is very Christian and won't allow her to move out unless he is married
We have told her we was getting married at the court house just us and my daughter will be there and we will have a wedding on a later date to celebrate with our family
She wasn't happy at first now she wants to go to the court saying the wedding isn't the official part of our marriage and we have tried explaining that we made the appointment for just us and have the day to celebrate for ourselves then on a later date when we have saved enough money for our dream wedding
She's trying to say that she's not wanted now and feels like she's trying to guilt trip us to let her go if it wasn't for her strong beliefs we would have waited til we had enough for a wedding to get married
she's making me feel like the a-hole for not letting her attend but my mom says I'm not because she did the same thing that we are doing
AlTA for not letting her attend?