Alex is such a Lucha slut
SquaredCircle Backup Community!
This is the backup community for SquaredCircle on! Come discuss pro wrestling! Any company or era is welcome. (Our main community on **Please direct conversations towards our main community as it is more active and this spot is intended for 'emergency' purposes.**
lmao he's a Luchawhore for Luchadors
*slow clap*
I wish I could get this on a shirt
Lee's in trouble.
That was probably Lee's best match I've seen! Really smooth transitions!
😂😂😂 Renee fangirling because she got an invite to the party
Cool Hand still can't catch a break, Anna didn't need to slap him
She's trying to slap the horny outta him
Mox hasn't bled in awhile. Is he okay?
Maybe he gave it up for Lent
My girlfriend and I: It's 10 minutes until Rampage let's do a quick hunt in Monster Hunter World
50 minutes later: Aw shit
Lmao no such thing as 'one quick run' when you're short on time!
To true! Sad part is we did our quick run in time and went right into a really long hunt lol
Mox throwing hats! How rude!
Smart move to have Renee interview Eddie
Probably the calmest I've seen him
AEW always booking multi wrestler matches where I want them all to win
I just hope they all have fun and nobody gets hurt. Also, my money's on Vikingo.
@Montagge @TellumSiege I hear ya. I could watch Vikingo and Komander wrestle forever and be happy. The Komander vs Orange match should be excellent.
I don't even care about the botches. Homie goes out there and tries to do things that don't appear to be in the realm of the laws of physics. The fact that he lands 90% of it is mind boggling.
@Montagge @TellumSiege Absolutely! He’s an innovator and should be on the lucha Mt. Rushmore when his career is done unless it gets cut short by injury.
I'm always blown away anytime he does his little rope-run. He's so much fun to watch.