I can't send a post with image content. This error pops up.
Unable to sent post due to com.idunnololz .summit.api.ClientApiException. Message: Client error. Code: 413. Message: 413 Request Entity Too Large 413 Request Entity Too Large <hrnginx
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I can't send a post with image content. This error pops up.
Unable to sent post due to com.idunnololz .summit.api.ClientApiException. Message: Client error. Code: 413. Message: 413 Request Entity Too Large 413 Request Entity Too Large <hrnginx
Error 413 Request Entity Too Large occurs when you try to upload a file that exceeds the maximum upload limit set on your web server.
This error means the image you are trying to upload is too large. This isn't a bug with the app. You can try uploading it on another image sharing website and using that link in your post instead.
Thank you. I'm understand
Nice, the last version was crashing badly for me.
I have a couple more 'simple' suggestions:
I think the words are kinda hard to read in the comments, like they are a bit dimmed, I use an automatic theme switch, so I think this is more noticeable with the light theme (though they are dimmed in dark mode too).
Can we have a way to show the title of the post on the top of the images? A switch for this might be good as well.
Thank you for your feedback. The colors chosen for the text is based on some UX recommendations actually to reduce eye strain. You are correct, they are not perfectly black or white. I personally think they are legible but this is subjective. I'll add text color adjustment to the roadmap.
Adding the title to the image viewer is pretty easy so I should be able to add that for the next release.
Thanks man, you keep improving and improving this app!
Looks like the app displays full images in card layout rather than fixed size images starting with this version. Would there be a toggle to switch to a fixed size image in the card layout in the future?
Ah yes. Another user requested this change but I should have known that people will want to configure this. I'll add it to the settings screen soon.
Love the app, and the recent update. My only suggestion is that there is an added option for where to blur NSFW content.
For example, blur only in specific instances/communities, blur everywhere, or don't blur at all.
Thank you for your feedback. Adding a global toggle is pretty easy. The per instance controls will take longer. I'll add this to the roadmap.
Awesome! Looking forward to the future development of the app. Thank you so much for all your time and effort!
You're very welcome!
Hello. The "link" tag is not available when creating a comment or post. Any chance to be added?
I'll add it to the roadmap. For the time being you can manually insert links by typing [text here](url here)
Thanks 👑
What happened to the share button? I can't find any way to find a link to the post/comment anymore. I remember there used to be at least a share post button
Hmm good question. I'll look into this for the next update.