I'm in this picture and I don't like it.
ADHD Women
A community for women to find support and discuss living with ADHD.
It's not my fault I don't think linearly.
Reminds me how in outer wilds, the alien species writes in spirals, and replies or additional thoughts are added as branches to the spiral. It was actually inspired by the way the lead writer took notes.
trying to fight that urge in academic writing every day
One word: footnotes
Are they still called footnotes if they take half the page? (I prefer parentheses though)
Pratchett would say yes.
Yeah, it's short for "a foot of notes" and the term was coined when the standard page length was 24 inches^1^.
^1^This isn't true.
House of Leaves thinks they are.
I hate footnotes. Every time I just wish it was added to the actual place where it is attached.
adding those on top of my footnote citations i think my page would be half full of footnotes 😅
I don't know if I have ADHD, but I struggle with this as well! Sometimes I'll write a message/email and there's a paren after every other sentence.
Lately I've been making an effort to substitute with a semicolon or bridge the thoughts with a dash:
"I'm thinking this - but I also think this."
Unsure if that's a correct usage of punctuation, but I feel like it helps the sentence feel more focused and an expansion of the thought, rather than a random segue (especially with work)
Edit: realized that I had broken my own rule seconds after posting
Rest assured, using parentheses in sentences is not a criterion for the diagnosis of ADHD in the DSM-5
Yup. Most ADHD symptoms are relatable to everyone to a small degree. It helps us blend in.
Iirc, you're supposed to use m-dashes for that kinda thing.
Today in “oh is this also an ADHD thing”
Hey, I write like that sometimes! (Only sometimes though.) It feels more stream-of-consciousness-y.
The sentence in the meme isn't/doesn't contain a parenthetical though. You could just write it without the parenthesis and it still makes sense.
I browse by All frequently and everytime I see ADHD memes come up I start to wonder if I have ADHD 😐
Many people who aren't ADHD can relate to ADHD symptoms, but if you see something that you can relate to, I recommend you copy it to a folder or write it down somewhere you're sure to lose it (ha ha). You can browse several ADHD communities if you have the time, and if you get a good list going, check out the posts regarding what testing looks like.
ADHD isn't becoming more common, but thanks to online communities it is becoming increasingly common for people to realize they have it. Figuring out why you do some of the things you do is a wild ride.
Anyway, have some fun, live your life, and come back here and laugh with us. Byeeee. 😊
Em dashes are so helpful too!
Hey that's me
Oh shit, I do that for every other sentence D:
I look forward to your next sentence
I literally just made a post and had to remove like two or three instances of this (in a maybe 100 word post). I think one or two still remain.
It's like my mind always has sidequests and explanations.
I'm always doing this,also I always forget to close them (once I've finished the thought I just press send
Also, doesn't Lemmy do alt text?
So I’m not the only one?! How do you control their use in work comms? I usually have to read everything over and see what I can break into sentences. I’ve also included asterisks when adding potentially superfluous info. 😂
I have to do that to. I usually end up with bullet pointed lists.
Bonus points if you also use parenthesis in spoken conversation.
Did Terry Pratchett have adhd?