What did Max ever do to you 😭
joined 2 years ago
Life in customer service
i thought the same thing until i realized there’s an “O” sticker that’s a different color! Oliver lol
Did Terry Pratchett have adhd?
Before I was brave enough to say I love you to my husband my go to phrase was “you're my favorite person”
In Boston Massachusetts a bar needs an entertainment license otherwise patrons aren’t allowed to dance. Apparently they can be hard to get. I got yelled at once in a bar, but I don’t know what you expect people to do in a bar with loud music and lots of drinks
Facts. Still gonna eat ‘em and still not care
When trying clothes on in clothing stores, it’s so nice when people don’t leave the stuff they tried on an inside out ball on the floor. Please hang the stuff that was hanging and since no one knows how to fold just side fold things that don’t have a hanger. It’s not difficult, but apparently for some it is akin to rocket fucking science