RUSTFLAGS — A space-separated list of custom flags to pass to all compiler invocations that Cargo performs. In contrast with cargo rustc, this is useful for passing a flag to all compiler instances. See build.rustflags for some more ways to set flags. This string is split by whitespace.
This instructs rustc to generate code specifically for particular processor.
You can run rustc --print target-cpus to see the valid options to pass here. Each target has a default base CPU. Special values include:
native can be passed to use the processor of the host machine.
generic refers to an LLVM target with minimal features but modern tuning.
This flag controls the optimization level.
0: no optimizations, also turns on cfg(debug_assertions) (the default).
1: basic optimizations.
2: some optimizations.
3: all optimizations.
s: optimize for binary size.
z: optimize for binary size, but also turn off loop vectorization.
Note: The -O flag is an alias for -C opt-level=2.
The default is 0.