I’ve come to the understanding that each A stands for how Ass the game is, so this just tells me the game is more Ass than triple A.
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33% assier
Funny price tag from a company that recently told its player base that owning games is becoming obsolete.
"Quadruple-A" lmao
Just the other day there was an article with the previous creative director saying that they had to axe the Single-player campaign because they just didn't have the team to do it
Man this ceo is a clown
You can scratch the 'this' out of there and still be accurate.
Nice to know I can not own a shitty game for 70 bucks.
I'll bet $200 this pile of shit game is dead as a doornail within 3 months of release.
Ooh is this a sign of the Ubisoft end times? A year or two before it gets snatched up by Microsoft while its considering declaring bankruptcy?
Does anyone actually know what the model is? Is it like WoW with a monthly, or is it a bunch of micro transactions? I don't see this mentioned anywhere.