This happens when more people downcomment your post.
Everything about Lemmy; bugs, gripes, praises, and advocacy.
For discussion about the instance, go to [email protected].
Why do I see your comment highlighted?
This visualizes the fact this comment is new, made less than 10 minutes ago. 10 minutes after the comment is posted, the comment background colour goes back to the default one. My comment will be highlighted for the first 10 minutes as well. Your comment appears as such for us, too.
OK I got some time to properly test this, this happens because you can mark a comment as deleted even if it's already marked as such. and the db trigger happens every time value of deleted is updated regardless of previous state
This also means I can inflate the number of comments by marking deleted as false repeatedly
Thanks for figuring it out. Could you please open an issue?
Thanks :)
I took a look, and I suspect it's because a user left three comments and then deleted them all. It's probably the comment counter mistakenly thinking it should subtract one for each removed comment.
hey im the commenter on that post, i saw the -3 aswell but didnt think much of it. The reason i think its in the negitive because when i went to delete the origanal comments (the 3 currently deleted ones) they kept on reappearing when i had deleted them, so i kept on deleting until they didnt popup again. the comments should be deleted. ( i use lemmur so it might be a bug in the lemmur app) If your wondering what the comments were the first one was something along the lines of "i dont speak arabic" because it looked like arabic and the other two were "please can someone translate" and me copy and pasting the 2nd parragraph from google translate to english.