thank Mr. Skeltal
Antique Memes Roadshow
Giving you the backstory and appraisals of vintage memes!
Submissions should be vintage memes or commentary about vintage memes. Commenters are advised to appraise the internet value and provenance meme antiquities.
- Posts should be old memes or about old memes.
- Don’t be a jerk. Be excellent to each other.
- Keep it safe for work.
- Follow global .world instance rules outlined here
I will not. Instead I will drink this bottle of bone hurting juice.
Oof! Ouch! My bones!
thank Mr. Skeltal
thank Mr. Skeltal
Thank Mr skeltal
thank Mr. Skeltal
thank Mr. Skeltal
thank Mr. Skeltal
Ask not for whom Mr. Skeltal doots, He doots for thee.
thank Mr. Skeltal
thank Mr. Skeltal
thank Mr. Skeltal
thank Mr. Skeltal
Thank Mr. Skeltal
I offer unto you, Mr. Skeltal, my unending gratitude for this which you have done
Thank Mr. Skeltal!
Thank me skeletal
bc of this I made an account lol, lemmy seems great
thank Mr. Skeltal
thank Mr. Skeltal
thank Mr. Skeltal
thank Mr. Skeltal
thank Mr. Skeltal
thank Mr. Skeltal
Thank Mr. Skeletal.
We have all truly been blessed this day.
We have been blessed with strong bones
thank Mr. Skeltal
thank Mr. Skeltal
thank Mr. Skeltal
Thank Mr. Sketal
Thank mr skeltal
thank Mr. Skeletal
thank Mr. Skeltal
(Please also save me from low potassium in addition to calcium)
thank Mr. Skeltal
thank Mr. Skeltal
thank Mr. Skeletal
thank Mr. Skeletal!
thank Mr. Skeletal
thank Mr. Skeltal
thank Mr. Skeltal
Thanks Mr. Skeltal
Thank mr skeltal