Wander the gallery. Look at the art. Be polite. If you feel able please post some great art :)
Can't unsee the chubby zombie centre left :0
Cool/creepy. I need to look up more of his paintings.
He was drafted and fought in WW1 and that influenced his work quite a lot.
I looked at his other stuff. It is striking, to put it very mildly. It's really wild and cool stuff. I'm a fan.
she cute
I hate it when I run Otto Dix
His brother Emmanuel (aka Manny) never had that problem.
Good ol' death, he never lets you down.
Somehow death looks the last out of place of the bunch.
Also I'm pretty sure I made came character in Dank Souls.
We've all been there
I don't understand how the couple on the right would be part of Death's harvest. Anyone can explain why?
'Cause everyone dies eventually, maybe?