Is there a rear sight? Otherwise I non ironically love this wheelie
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There is. Look at the very top left of the image.
Oh yeah, lookie there. I thought that was part of the cylinder catch.
I can't help but read that as Ass Magnum
*SS Magnum
Is that an SS mark? As in the white nationalist mark?
Haha no, those are 4’s as in .44 magnum.
Look it's possible this guy was a massive nazi, but I'm going to give people the benefit of the doubt and assume they're not nazis.
To me it seems far more likely it's related to .44 magnum with it being a magnum and all than the SS.
People write digits in all sots of different ways:
I mean its a cool design. It looks like something you would get late game in Duke Nukem 3D where it only holds 6 shots, but 6 is all you need.
But the etching of those 44's sure seems like someone is trying to write SS while having people defend it sayin nah its 44.
Edit: Bruh I don't see any SS marks on that table of numbers you provided. The marks on that gun are very very identical. More symmetrical than any other lettering on the barrel. Almost like they used a stamp or something for just those to marks in particular.
It's just similar enough to the way that I write 4 (which looks more like a y) that I don't really jump to that connection, but I can see how people who write the triangley fours might be sussed out by it.
Also D3D was a fucking great!
Edit: The 4th ... 4? Just draw that a bit straighter and it's the same thing.
Edit: The 4th … 4? Just draw that a bit straighter and it’s the same thing.
Just draw that a bit straighter and bring in the angles and make it a bit more acute rotate about 45 degrees..
Here's a quote from the reddit thread about it
I worked with a guy who wrote 44 like that. Romanian fella. We did a job where we had to write 44 on the ground with paint, in public, quite often. I never told him, I just hope it made it onto some hysterical local Facebook group at some point.
So yeah, some people write fours like that. No need to create some weird Nazi conspiracy theory around this guy
I think / hope he was going for an idea like this for a simplified 4.
You both have a point and I'm not saying that the guy had any Nazi sympathies, but come on.
If you look at all the other lettering it becomes more believable that they just have an odd writing style
Definitely doesn't look like an accident. Maybe it was a good thing they didn't allow him to have guns.
Wait, the barrel is from epoxy resin?
Looks very cool
I think it's just a proof of concept mockup and not meant to be functional.
I don't think there's an epoxy wonder-material on earth that would withstand the chamber and barrel pressure of a .44 magnum, and even if it did you'd still have rifling in it for about 0.2 nanoseconds.
Everything about it is somehow weird and normal at the same time
Fuck you. Bullpups your revolver
Also lovely SS runes he put on there... 😬
I want a bullpup, low bore axis, auto cycling DA/SA revolver with a removable cylinder. Is that too much to ask?
Edit: with light and optic mounting points
Break open like a schofield, and shoots 45lc/410 shotshells too
Cut for moon clips of course
And a corkscrew. And a compass in the grip.
And it needs to ping and auto-eject the cylinder when its empty.
and this thing which tells time
Yikes yeah he got too creative with his 44
I mistakenly thought this was a post on music 😅 would be a great band name!
"Zamboni Driver" sounds like a rejected name for Steely Dan lol
Drive zambonis, all night long 🎶
You just gave me the idea to make a community for that since we didn't have one yet.
Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using a URL instead of its name, which doesn't work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: [email protected]
Haha cool, I'll figure out how to join it, already some good submissions!
I thought this was an ai generated picture at first