Coming soon:
Also I’ll be honest we just put “current” because it was easier than doing an icon or something lol
Coming soon:
Also I’ll be honest we just put “current” because it was easier than doing an icon or something lol
Good suggestion, I agree.
I wouldn’t care either way, but there is massive amounts of space even with the “(Current)” string there. I would have never even thought to tweak this.
I wonder what “Apple UI” standards are for that situation. Is it Bolding?
Not sure. I looked on Apple’s developer website earlier and all I could find was HI guidance about check marks in MacOS menus.
Not sure. I looked on the developer website and all I could find was the HI guidance for check marks in the Mac menus.
Yep, (current) seems a little clunky 👍
These menus are have been completely overhauled to be iOS 14 style, so this will be fixed