And to quote /u/anachronic: "Simple living is a state of mind, not a zip code."
Simple Living
Live better, with less
Ideas and inspiration for living more simply. A place to share tips on living with less stuff, work, speed, or stress in return for gaining more freedom, time, self-reliance, and joy.
You cannot run from yourself.
But you can try!
In seriousness, sometimes you have to run away from people or situations to simplify. There are ways to do that without relocating, but sometimes it's easiest to put some mileage between you and it/them.
Definitely, there are situation where you physically need to remove yourself from.
Great post and reminder! I find myself sometimes tempted by the trap of seeking simple living/minimalism/environmentalism/general earthiness by doing silly things that aren't practical. Like just the other day I was thinking about getting rid of my awesome Braun razor ive had and loved for years and buying a simple safety razor instead to simply my life more. How silly. There are certainly times when there are actions needed to be taken to align our lives with simple living ideals, but sometimes we can feel a need to continue to search for changes to be made and it becomes a never-ending pursuit. Sometimes the only real change needed is our perspective!!! Just give yourself permission to let life be simple with just how it is.
I wish more people understood that rural life is really freaking hard, especially if you don't already have connections.