Metal Memes
Memes. For metal music.
Don't be an ass and try to keep the gatekeeping and whatnot to a minimum. Memes from all sorts of metal genres and bands are welcome here.
hair, black clothes, distortion pedal, double bass drums, anger and distrust of authority. whats so complicated?
How the hell could anyone make sense of that chalk board. You'd need a step ladder just to point at parts of it. There are no dividing lines or arrows to indicate flow of information.
Considering how weirdly tiled it is (not a single chalk line crossing the virtual grid, different shades of green along the two sides of very straight lines), I think it's just photoshopped into one large chalkboard.
I guess you just had to be there.
Thought at first this was about explaining what a metal is in a chemistry lecture. Would also fit, though.
I really like the transuranics, very underrated genre of metal
It's superheavy, even
Been Dunn.
Oop, I mean Sam Dunn