I'm not sure how it'll work since I'm sure no one wants to be sued over a commit, but you pretty obviously can't kill an open source project so easily.
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Nintendo would need to prove that you had and ran the tools locally which is damn near impossible to do. I could create a commit without even opening the solution or compiling it.
It would also put Nintendo up shit creek by turning the entire FOSS community against them.
They kinda already did with this lawsuit. With this, no emulator is safe.
Well, I think I now need to dowload this.
You can't officially download it anymore. ~~If you're familiar with compiling things, there are backup forks everywhere, though.~~ A lovely Lemming posted an archive.org link to download the last builds in other comments here.
The GitHub repo (source code) for Yuzu now returns 404. It used to be here: https://github.com/yuzu-emu/yuzu
I'm really on the fence now on buying a console in the future. I've always bought the latest iteration and multiple games from Nintendo.
But they are turning into some lawyered slimy multi billion corporation feeding the orphan crushing machine.
If they don't operate with ethics, then neither should I.
turning into
Just FYI, Nintendo has always behaved this way. You can find stories about Nintendo suing and shutting down rom distributors for as long as roms have existed. They've also completely shut down several fan-made Pokémon games and tried going after rom hackers. They've also had a very long history of keeping their IPs completely exclusive to their platform and of reselling the same game on multiple platforms instead of allowing for backwards compatibility.
Rip yuzu
That's wild. But I guess I'm not surprised since the emulator was really good and the system is still out there selling
Are nintendo roms pretty much always going to be publicly preserved and seeded?