your work is one of those things that so perfectly hits a niche that i love, but because it gets so deep into that niche i dont have anyone irl i can send it to who would really appreciate it lmao.
technomage rules!!!
one should not chase the electric dream, but strive to became an extension to its dreamer
Automatism in the age of the children of Unix. This community is for all things related to computers, content, surrealism and wizardry.
This is also where pmjv posts his work
Now that you're a surrealist, become a Techno-Mage:
your work is one of those things that so perfectly hits a niche that i love, but because it gets so deep into that niche i dont have anyone irl i can send it to who would really appreciate it lmao.
technomage rules!!!
Hey, i showed this to some non-tech savvy friends and they loved the art style so doesn't hurt to try, maybe it will get some people more interested in FOSS, even if only marginally, too
Technomage is like a tech guerrilla adventure time and I love it. This issue slaps hard.
hah, it's not the first time I heard someone mention it reminds them of adventure time, I'm not against it. This is probably the longest issue to date! And probably extremely confusing to anyone new.
Cool Artstyle and hooked on the story too. Sweet!
this felt so epic