I want that twink obliterated, but he keeps that 3 up. SMH.
I really like Nezha. Only complaint is that his 2's teleport is really unwieldy.
Using his 1 as a subsume on Ember is a neat way to keep her passive high, passively.
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I want that twink obliterated, but he keeps that 3 up. SMH.
I really like Nezha. Only complaint is that his 2's teleport is really unwieldy.
Using his 1 as a subsume on Ember is a neat way to keep her passive high, passively.
My favorite tank frame! I love Nezha, he is the natural progression path for players who enjoy Rhino's gameplay. He's got all 3 bases of "what makes a good warframe" covered, he's fast, he's durable and he can boost his damage to annihilate enemies.
Nezha's main appeal over Rhino is his absolute stellar energy economy provided you have Equilibrium. This mod alone completely removes any concerns for energy you could ever have, just hit some shmucks with his chakram and gain more energy than you spend! A somewhat recent addition, Arcane Blessing, makes this even better, almost doubling Nezha's health even with a full Umbral setup. Nezha is also really damn fast, one of the few frames that let you actually use sprint and slides instead of bullet jumps to move everywhere! And his ability to teleport to his chakram should not be underestimated, it's deceptively useful as an extra movement option! Warding Halo with HP and armor mods + Adaptation is enough survivability to let you face tank anything you might reasonably attempt to do. He's no Revenant, but for 99% of content you don't need to be.
I'm very excited for the upcoming new Divine Spears augment DE showed during the latest Devstream, if it turns out as good as it looks to be Nezha might become a legitimate nuke frame!
a hoop toss at a mob with at least two buddies nearby should already basically 'pay for itself' (and then some) via the energy drops. i have never had a need for equilibrium on nezha.
I run Blind Rage on my Nezha so I like the reliability of Equilibrium rather than the 35% chance for energy orbs (it also frees me from using Energize).
i like nezha because it's good to have my body type represented in media
I've been wanting to build his Prime for a while, Nezha has one of my favorite designs and skill sets
I don’t play him enough. The tank is great but I don’t feel like I get much out of his other abilities. I am looking forward to the divine spears augment so I can have a better reason to use it besides just CC.
you're missing-out if you haven't discovered the magic that is reaping chakram.
nezha is one of the few frames where you actually push all four ability keys, not just one or two.
A bit of a necro, but I don't wanna create a whole post just to gush over the new augment. So yeah, as I expected Divine Retribution is absolutely insane. Imagine Kullervo's Collective Curse but in an circular AoE with no LoS and 44m range with just Overextended and Stretch. It's crazy. I brought it with an Incarnon Strun Prime as the main damage source to a Steel Path Circulus 20min run and finished up with just over 2k kills while never once worrying about life support. It was the most chill run I've probably done. I think this augment alone easily propels Nezha straight into S rank frame, the AoE potential of this frame is wild all the while having great survivability and no energy issues even on a build with no efficiency while spamming a 100 energy cost ability.
Edit: And it's dead, it was fun while it lasted. Nerfing the base ability range by 50% makes this ability completely useless, with a range this small you are better off just using a weapon to kill the enemies instead. What a disappointing change.