What does "plug" mean in this context?
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You learn this while swiping in tinder. Lots of people "looking for a 🔌"
Street Pharmacist
Drug dealer
Drug dealer
Not the lightbulb
I thought it was his top.
Yeah, this does not align with my experience.
If you're taking it for its intended purpose (treating your ADHD) likely you're getting a completely different experience anyway lol.
afaik you do technically get a lowered libido when using it to treat ADHD but that's moreso because now you don't need to strangle the snake just to actually feel sufficiently stimulated for 5 minutes.
True, medication impacts everyone in its own unique way anyway. For me personally I never noticed a difference, though I'm not on it anymore - I got switched to a non-stimulant due to blood pressure. The only medication that has impacted my libido negatively has been anti depressants, the right brain zappy ones like Effexor.
Medication is weird. I've been on my meds for 3 years, and suddenly now I'm getting side effects like low libido. For the last 3 years I'd be standing at attention, fucking everything with a pulse, and suddenly out of nowhere I got nothing.
Pretty sure that's not a side effect and just something else going on with your body.
Or emotional, stress, etc since that's often a big factor
That's.... Not a side effect my dude
I also noticed this lately. Checked the side effects and it's listed as common. A small price to pay IMO. I wonder if I stop taking it Friday I can go on a weekend fuckfest?
Brain cells: looks like blood is back on the menu boys!
I used to take that stuff because ADHD and I can assure you, that was not a problem. I guess maybe it works differently on normies or maybe side effects just vary.
It's both. Drugs affect everyone differently and different dosages can cause different effects.
It absolutely fucks with my ability to get hard but also makes me horny af. Its a nightmare
Was it so late, friend, ere you went to bed
That you do lie so late?PORTER
Faith, sir, we were carousing till the second cock, and drink, sir, is a great provoker of three things.MACDUFF
What three things does drink especially provoke?PORTER
Marry, sir, nose-painting, sleep, and urine.
Lechery, sir, it provokes and unprovokes. It provokes the desire, but it takes away the performance.
Therefore much drink may be said to be an equivocator with lechery. It makes him, and it mars him; it sets him on, and it takes him off; it persuades him and disheartens him; makes him stand to and not stand to; in conclusion, equivocates him in a sleep and, giving him the lie, leaves him.MACDUFF
I believe drink gave thee the lie last night.
Damn, sorry to hear that. Might be worth talking to your doctor about switching to another ADHD med, might have better luck with side effects.
I have tried quite a few and while some of them dont affect me in this way they usually havs a worse side effect. Like obliterating my ability to eat. Ill take what i can get and have sex after it wears off lol
This guy jacks it
Homie is fighting prostate cancer and you should be too, no shame in fighting the good fight!
Everyone should, it protects the prostate from cancer.
How do you know I'm not jacking it to this comment right now?
Brain: "We productive today!"
proceeds to play Mario Kart for 11 hours straight without using the bathroom or eating... Or writing that essay that was the reason for taking Adderall in the first place
ADHD drugs are weird. They help treat ADHD's symptoms well. However, they seem to induce something similar in normal brains.
Unfortunately, they don't give you motivation, they just make it easier to apply your motivation. Combined that with the loss of appetite and hyper focus can get impressive.
ADHD drugs plus ADHD means that I am bad about eating when I start to focus. When it’s really necessary, I prefer it because food slows me down, but for normal days it’s not ideal.
I always try to be in the process of doing the thing I needed to be doing when the Adderall kicks in. That usually stops me from looking at the clock and realizing it's been a whole day and I've been doing something stupid.
one of the things I miss most about not being the town fuckup anymore is setting my alarm for 6am, eating an adderall and then going back to bed. I tended to come back around about 45-90 minutes later and for just a second it felt like I'd actually rested and woke up ready to greet the day until I remembered that I was just high, but it was nice overall.
If it ever turns out I actually have ADHD and I'm not just gaslighting myself, then actually get prescribed Adderall, I'm going to try that because I forget what it's like to wake up rested.
unfortunately based on a lot of testimony I've heard from people who really do have ADHD it doesn't work like that for people that actually have it.
Yeah if your dosage is correct it doesn't have much of a stimulate effect. Now forget you took the pill earlier and have another, you'll mildly feel something but even then it's not much.
Yeah, I don't get high. My brain just becomes quiet.
Yeah. Getting high is fun and all but it's not a good way to work. If the dosing strategiy is correct you don't feel the drug but still obtain the cognitive enhancement i.e. executive function.
Damn, was really putting my eggs in that basket. Caffeine has no effect on me, sleeping more doesn't do much, was hoping the magical focus drug would. Still might give it a shot legally under the advisement of a doctor but I appreciate you bracing me!
So I laughed and my ass fell off, is that also a side effect?
OP may have a problem. When I used to abuse Adderall all I did was beat my meat. I'd spend hours scouring the internet and amassing a trove of carefully labeled, categorized and numbered files. I'd put my heart and soul into naming those files, too. It was like a creative writing course.. Except at the end I came so hard my balls felt like they were screaming in agony and I swore I would give it a rest. But then I'd take another Adderall.
Laugh my fucking ass off off off?
You mean drug dealer
That's what 'plug' means