Nobody ever pays me in Florence Pugh
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A community for discussions and news about the Dune universe created by Frank Herbert; including books, movies, TV shows, and video games.
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If I had to settle for Florence Pugh, I feel like things wouldn't be too bad.
Would she do the sarcastic Yelena accent from Black Widow, though? I'm torn between whether the sarcasm is sexy, funny, or absolutely the best accent to sarcastically read all the world news, and maybe sarcastically is just how I need my news from now on.
That Wonka prequel sure did get weird.
I apologize if this has already been addressed. What is the movie on the left?
little women (2019)
I think it’s Little Women but I could be wrong
That woman looks relatively appropriate sized
This stupid comment made me laugh so fucking much. Thank you.
Love you too boo
Is it a coincidence or is it the sort of old fashioned pairing like Rock Hudson and Doris Day, Claudette Colbert and Clark Gable, or William Powell and Myrna Loy?
I'm going to say it's the latter regardless because I think that's a tradition that should have continued.
man's juliette