What do you mean with „Everything on there is actually functional“?
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I mean all the components have a purpose, none are just there for decoration
....you know too much.
What does it do?
It’s kind of like a microprocessor development board—there are a few different circuits to play with that are connected to the processor. So ultimately it won’t do anything unless you stick some code inside
How do you cleanly cut boards? I have some old RAM sticks that are pretty small by today's standards and I'd kinda like to make earrings with them one day
This is just a guess, but maybe use a jigsaw to generalize a shape & rotary tool to fine tune it?
Boards are fiberglass at their core so most cutting tools work just fine—hacksaw, jigsaw, dremel, bandsaw. It’s abrasive though so a note of caution that it will wear out cutters quicker
Ooh does it light up? What is that unpopulated spot for?
There is an RGB led in the lower right, so yes if you program it to! I didn’t make provisions for battery power on this one though so it’s not meant to light up while worn. The unpopulated spot in the upper right is for the microcontroller. My wife preferred the look of the processor missing so I didn’t solder one down on hers.
Does this allow you to control the microchips in everyone and raise an army?
Not bad and can I try?
Good idea! Unfortunately this chip doesn’t have a 5G radio 😭
I thought the beam came straight out of that flower shape.
Maybe a bit like the voice in Dune
Congratulations on the wife!