Just wanted to say every time I see your art on my front page it makes me really happy.
one should not chase the electric dream
This community is for sharing original content related to computers, content, surrealism and wizardry.
Now that you're a surrealist, become a Techno-Mage:
- https://openbsd.org/
- https://freebsd.org/
- https://netbsd.org/
- https://dragonflybsd.org/
- https://9front.org/
- https://100r.co/site/uxn.html
- https://distrowatch.org/
Anybody who's worked in computer repair has probably had to deal with this ~~fish~~ person
Edit: fixed stupid
But the human broke it
Oh doi, I somehow managed to misinterpret that speech bubble's "source"
Girl is a fish too
I just can't win can I 😂
"I don't know why the laptop is malfunctioning"
Forty PUPs and a keylogger, cat piss all over the keys and a cake of fur and dust blocking the air vent. Also the charge cord is frayed.
This is literally what got me out of that line of work. Also cigarette smoke gunk
After one accident long ago, I have a policy of all drinks on the right, on a lower level than the electronics. I've splashed a few keyboards & mice, but never again a computer.
One accident recently not long ago I have a policy to try to not leave liquids close to my keyboard or other electronics unattended(cat decided she wanted some water not from her water dish and decided my 200€ keyboard is here preferred vessel for water)
Back before MacBook had waterproof keyboards, I knew a guy who spilt a beer on his brand new MacBook and burnt out the mobo.
And now we learn a golden rule of not only the Open Clan, but of all peoples everywhere; Do not leave open containers of liquid next to computers.
Good job Girl good job
Is that a magic wand? Is that fluid what I think it is?
It's a water bottle. Go to horny jail.
The art style, colour style, and character design is something I'd love to see animated.
Absolutely love looking at these for the style, colour choices, and characters.