It looks incredibly in good shape
Photos of ruins and structures from past eras
What is a ruin? We're running off of "You know it when you see it" at the moment. Ruins should be non-functioning structures of some age, or their function reduced to tourism and the like. Generally speaking, specific items from a ruin should go to [email protected] Illustrations of ruins (or their reconstructions) should go to [email protected] Photos of ruins back when they were functioning should go to [email protected]
It was discovered while they were digging for a water pipeline, I believe! Getting buried under a meter of dirt went a great deal towards preserving it over the years.
I feel like I'm been transported to The Shire (Lord of the Rings) upon seeing the path.
Ooh, ooh, I bet I know what city it leads to!
That's easy because all roads lead there anyway
Don't tell the Belgians, they might start a bike race on it.