I tried the new Eruptor last night. It was cool destroying factories and one-shotting the scout striders. But it just felt soooo clunky. Then I switched back to the Scorcher and proceeded to murder everything in sight. I don't think I can give it up.
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Something I just leaned: if you switch to another weapon for a couple seconds, the eruptor magically cocks itself with the next round!
Oooo so it's just a cooldown instead of like a reload? That's good to know!
I didn’t get to try the eruptor on bots yet but it jams on bugs as long as you have a backup like stalwart or rover. It can close bug holes, 1 hit mediums (stalkers included) and the shrapnel spreads well enough that I was regularly getting 5-10 kills when firing into crowds.
I think not having a backup was my problem. I was using it plus a shield backpack and Quasar. Probably too much heavy damage and not enough to deal with the smaller stuff. I might go for that ship module to add 25% fire damage to the flamethrower and give that a shot. Then I can snipe the big stuff and burn away everything else!
Definitely. Things like the Stalwart or Arc Thrower work well as backups, they can handle crowds or smaller enemies better, though the stalwart almost requires a supply pack to be long term viable, which makes me feel like I'm just running an autocannon build, but I just swapped the autocannon to my primary, and the supply pack for the autocannon ammo pack.
Only something like the Arc Thrower/Blitzer/maybe Laser Cannon eliminate the need for a supply pack, truly creating a new niche build and opening backpack selection up.
Even without the ship upgrade, the flamethrower is in a decent place. Just hope your teammates are too, hehe
I'm addicted to lasers. I love the scythe. It just mows down bots one after another. Been saving up for the Cutting Edge Warbond for the Sickle, but I mostly want it for the scope, the Scythe kills just fine.
I love the lasers too. I just hate not being able to easily kill the scout striders without running all over the place for a flank or a headshot. Scorcher just takes two shots to the front and they drop.
I run the sickle quasar combo, almost unstoppable. High damage, never run out of ammo, can take down hulks, drop ships, factories Ezpz.
Balance is in a pretty nice spot for a young game. I think there will be some tweaks, but there's a lot of viable builds, which is ideal.
Hopefully they can find out what to do with the HMG and a few of the others.
MG and HMG seem fairly okay, not as desirable as other weapons, but MG at low level is still pretty useful.
The Stalwart, though, I have no idea when I'd ever want to bring that. What is it's purpose?
Use Stalwart as you would a primary. It becomes viable if you bring a Supply Pack and supply yourself with ammo. The issue then becomes that you don't have a "support" weapon, so you'd have to sub your primary for something that may fill that role, such as the slugger for armor for example. With the new warbond, this build becomes even more viable with the grenade launcher secondary.
Now that's an interesting thought, I hadn't considered how explosive medium armor penetrating primaries could make Support weapons that focus on crowd control more viable as you have alternatives for addressing medium and larger enemies.
Right there's only a few support weapons that have medium pen and they're low capacity, so if that's your niche a more generalist support weapon might bring you better mileage.
Stalwart shines when you use it as your primary because your actual primary is a bootleg support weapon (for example the eruptor)
In the early game, it was amazing. Now, I take it to clear chaff on bug missions while using the slugger or dominator for bigger things.
I use scorcher/eruptor/dmr etc as the backup and stalwart+supply pack as primary. Setting the stalwart to the highest rpm is plainly awesome for suppressing bots and shredding chaff.
And now with the new supplies upgrade those 4 boxes on the backpack last me way past the cooldown for a new pack
I just watched a video of a solo on Helldiver where they used the HMG to shred Hulks in the face. So I'll be trying that
I'm weird, I love the Jar-5 Dominator. I just finally grinded out and got the Scorcher last night and it was pretty cool.
However, I've been in scenarios where I've been surrounded by bots and the stun and damage given by the Jar 5 was able to buy me enough time to get away.
I think they upped the stagger on the Dominator last patch. I just wish the gun wasn't so slow to aim! It feels like aiming through molasses.