If that is what it takes to continue offering service that is far superior to that of UPS, FedEx, DHL, etc, then I'm all in favour.
Canada Post
A community to discuss Canada Post, with commentary by it's customers, staffers, and the community.
Good point. Mailposte is very reliable even if it sometimes isn't speedy. I didnt even realize that I never really wonder whether it's going to arrive. It just does.
But I wonder how the rate changes track against inflation: are we rectifying a decade of artificial price throttling or are we just adjusting to inflation and costing?
(Don't gripe about labour costs: removing gig slaves from the equation puts mailposte's union staff about 20% low ahainst comparable jobs, which is par for a union post.)
True, although those three you mentioned are public/private corps in that they're beholden to their shareholders rather than the public. But I get what you mean, I much rather use Canada Post when I can, even though the cost is often very high (ex international shipments to Asia...)